Wednesday, December 1, 2010

International Volunteer Appreciation Day

December 5th is International Volunteer Appreciation Day (IVD). What does this day mean to you? How are you celebrating it with your Volunteer team?

As it turned out, but the time IVD rolled around my recognition budget was non-existent. Thinking outside the box was a must. I was lucky to be able to utilize some of my organization’s internal resources to create some great bookmarks that were then sent out with our bi-annual newsletter.

Next year I’d like to make this day more of a priority, not just within my Volunteer Program but within the organization I work for. I came upon this resource a little bit late, but next year I’ll be using the resources on the World Volunteer website. I’m not a big fan of their orange branding, but you can’t beat their downloadable presentations and posters!

Sarah Koester
ADVR Communications Chair

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Welcome to the ADVR Blog!

ADVR is changing, and as our organization grows we’re doing our best to truly represent the voice of our members.

With that in mind, we’re giving blogging a shot. We wanted the opportunity to ask questions, post information, and above all hear feedback. We know that our members have something to say and we want to hear it.

We also want to foster a broader conversation about Volunteer Management and connect our members to discussions about the Volunteer Sector that are happening around the world. There are great resources out there; our job is to help you find them.

The rest is up to you. This is your forum, we want your thoughts. So leave a comment, suggest a blog post, or share our blog with your friends. We’re here to be your voice, so don’t hesitate to speak up!

The ADVR Executive